Mutable and Immutable in Python: A Deep Dive

Python is a dynamically typed, high-level programming language known for its simplicity and readability. One of the fundamental concepts in Python is the distinction between mutable and immutable objects. Understanding this concept is crucial for efficient memory management, performance optimization, and avoiding unintended side effects in your code.

What Are Mutable and Immutable Objects?

In Python, every object has three attributes:

  1. Identity – A unique identifier (memory address) of an object.

  2. Type – The type of the object (e.g., int, str, list, tuple, etc.).

  3. Value – The actual data held by the object.

The key difference between mutable and immutable objects lies in whether their value can be modified after creation.

  • Mutable objects: These objects can be changed after they are created without changing their identity.

  • Immutable objects: These objects cannot be changed once they are created. Any modification results in a new object being created.

Immutable Objects in Python

Immutable objects cannot be modified after their creation. If a change is required, a new object is created with the modified value.

Examples of Immutable Objects:

  1. Numbers (int, float, complex)

  2. Strings (str)

  3. Tuples (tuple)

  4. Frozen sets (frozenset)

  5. Bytes (bytes)

Example of Immutability in Strings:

s = "hello"
print(id(s))  # Prints memory address of 'hello'
s = s + " world"
print(id(s))  # A new object is created with "hello world"

Here, s initially refers to one string object. When concatenation occurs, a new string object is created instead of modifying the existing one.

Example of Immutability in Tuples:

t = (1, 2, 3)
t += (4, 5)  # This creates a new tuple

Since tuples are immutable, any modification results in a new tuple object being created.

Mutable Objects in Python

Mutable objects allow changes in their values without changing their identity. This means operations on them modify the same memory reference.

Examples of Mutable Objects:

  1. Lists (list)

  2. Dictionaries (dict)

  3. Sets (set)

  4. Byte arrays (bytearray)

Example of Mutability in Lists:

lst = [1, 2, 3]
print(id(lst))  # Memory address before modification
print(id(lst))  # Same memory address, list is modified in place

Here, the list object is modified without creating a new object.

Example of Mutability in Dictionaries:

d = {"a": 1, "b": 2}
d["c"] = 3  # Modifies the dictionary in place

The same dictionary object is modified, showing mutability.

Performance Implications

  1. Efficiency: Mutable objects can be more memory-efficient since changes occur in-place, while immutable objects may create multiple copies, consuming more memory.

  2. Concurrency: Immutable objects are thread-safe as they cannot be changed, reducing race conditions in multithreading.

  3. Hashability: Immutable objects can be used as dictionary keys or set elements because they have a fixed hash value, unlike mutable objects.

When to Use Mutable vs. Immutable?

  • Use immutable objects when you want data safety, such as keys in dictionaries.

  • Use mutable objects when you need to modify data frequently without creating multiple copies.

  • Be careful when using mutable objects as default arguments in functions (e.g., def func(lst=[])) because the same object persists across function calls.


Understanding mutable and immutable objects in Python is essential for writing efficient, bug-free programs. Mutability affects performance, memory management, and program correctness. By leveraging immutability where necessary and mutability where beneficial, you can write optimized and robust Python applications.